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I hope you like it.


   I have read the novel in a single day at a stretch, which, as you will understand, constitutes a compliment. He sincerely turns on the matter and engages the suspense of a choral story in which each character assumes their role naturally and uses a plain and concise language without literary embellishments that would detract from the plausibility of the plot, masterfully achieved, within its intricate labyrinth, in which one does not get lost as is usual in this type of narration. The rhythm seems to me the right one and the treatment of the characters excellent.


José María Hernández. Historian and contributor to La Gaceta de Salamanca.


   To some novels, as to some stories, you come by pure chance, and this is one of it. The more than 500 pages have lasted me a sigh, because I loved it. I have learned something about violins and music, but above all I have spent pleasant times with a very well written novel and with a plot that does not bore you at all, on the contrary, when you think you know what has happened, or what is going to happen , it goes and amazes you. I loved it and if you like to read ... you know. A pleasant surprise, for not being carried away by appearances. Novels are like people, sometimes some that come with very good references are completely empty, and others that pass by discreetly are wonderful.


Words that take us in the wind.


Captura de pantalla 2015-05-09 a las 12.04.27_edited
Portada papel 1
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Captura de pantalla 2015-05-09 a las 12.04.27_edited
Portada papel 1
Edited Image 2015-8-13-8:33:57_edited

It rains without color Bilbao 1937 available in any bookstore in your city

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